(620) 367 2486: Who Owns This Number?
The phone number (620) 367 2486 belongs to Nancy L Franzen and is registered in Newton, Kansas. Explore the list below to find out more information on this phone number including the owner's age, address, relatives, properties, and public records.
(620) 367 2486
- Owners: Nancy L Franzen
- Latest report as of 03/19/2025
- Name:Nancy L Franzen
- Age:61
- Address:728 N Chisholm Trl, Newton, KS
- Relatives & Associates:Doyle L Franzen Jeffery Franzen Laverle S Franzen
- Phone type:Landline
- Carrier:Moundridge Telephone Co.
Have you ever received a call from (620) 367 2486?
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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D***** F*****(620) 367 2486- Age:67
- Location:***** N Chisholm Trl, Newton, KS
- Gender:M
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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N***** F*****(620) 367 2486- Age:63
- Location:***** N Chisholm Trl, Newton, KS
- Gender:F
- Email:N*****@yahoo.com
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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L***** F*****(620) 367 2486- Age:70
- Location:***** N Chisholm Trl, Newton, KS
- Gender:F
- Email:L*****@yahoo.com
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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D***** F*****(620) 367 2486- Age:67
- Location:***** N Chisholm Trl, Newton, KS
- Gender:M
- Email:D*****@hotmail.com
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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J***** F*****(620) 367 2486- Age:39
- Location:***** Bonaparte Dr, Arlington, TX
- Gender:M
- Email:J*****@worldnet.att.net
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486
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R***** T*****(620) 367 2486- Age:73
- Location:***** Lowell St, Hillman, MI
- Gender:F
- Email:R*****@aol.com
- Additional Results for (620) 367 2486Nancy L Franzen(620) 367 2486
- Name
- Address
- Contact Info
- Social Media Profiles
Criminal & Traffic Records
Public Records
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