(870) 452 1648: Who Owns This Number?
The phone number (870) 452 1648 belongs to Debra A Bartley and is registered in Jacksonville, Florida. Explore the list below to find out more information on this phone number including the owner's age, address, relatives, properties, and public records.
(870) 452 1648
- Owners: Debra A Bartley
- Latest report as of 03/16/2025
- Name:Debra A Bartley
- Age:60
- Location:Gillett, AR Pine Bluff, AR Dewitt, AR De Witt, AR Renton, WA Seattle, WA Roland, OK Charleston, AR Kent, WA Barling, AR Van Buren, AR
- Address:5229 Glenwood Ave, Jacksonville, FL
- Relatives & Associates:Elsie Vaughn J B Vaughn Jeff Chandler Vaughan
- Phone type:Landline
- Carrier:Teletouch Communications, Inc.
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- Additional Results for (870) 452 1648
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Bartley Millar(870) 452 1648- Location:***** W 30th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR
- Gender:M
- Additional Results for (870) 452 1648
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Debra Bartley(870) 452 1648- Location:***** W 30th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR
- Gender:F
- Additional Results for (870) 452 1648
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Debra Martley(870) 452 1648- Location:***** W 30th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR
- Gender:F
- Additional Results for (870) 452 1648
Sponsored by spokeo.com
Debra Millar(870) 452 1648- Location:***** W 30th Ave, Pine Bluff, AR
- Gender:F
- Additional Results for (870) 452 1648Debra A Bartley(870) 452 1648
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