(916) 254 0702: Who Owns This Number?
The phone number (916) 254 0702 belongs to Neil D Fricke and is registered in Sacramento, California. Explore the list below to find out more information on this phone number including the owner's age, address, relatives, properties, and public records.
(916) 254 0702
- Owners: Neil D Fricke
- Latest report as of 03/02/2025
- Name:Neil D Fricke
- Age:67
- Location:Flower Mound, TX Flowermound, TX
- Address:451 Pico Way, Sacramento, CA
- Relatives & Associates:Neil H Fricke Joan C Fricke M T Castaldo
- Phone type:Landline
- Carrier:Surewest Televideo Dba Surewest Broadband - Ca
Have you ever received a call from (916) 254 0702?
- Additional Results for (916) 254 0702
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Nell Fricke(916) 254 0702- Age:83
- Location:***** Pico Way, Sacramento, CA
- Gender:F
- Additional Results for (916) 254 0702
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Mary Fricke(916) 254 0702- Age:60
- Location:***** Pico Way, Sacramento, CA
- Gender:F
- Email:N*****@compuserve.com
- Additional Results for (916) 254 0702
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Elena Fricke(916) 254 0702- Age:27
- Location:***** Pico Way, Sacramento, CA
- Gender:F
- Additional Results for (916) 254 0702
Sponsored by spokeo.com
Neil Fricke(916) 254 0702- Age:69
- Location:***** Pico Way, Sacramento, CA
- Gender:M
- Additional Results for (916) 254 0702Neil D Fricke(916) 254 0702
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