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779 Area Code


Area code 779 is located in Illinois. It is a primary area code for the Chicago metropolitan area. 779 is one of the newer area codes, and it was created in 2002. The area code includes all or part of eleven counties in Illinois.


779 is an area code in the United States. It is assigned to the state of Texas. 779 is the only area code in Texas to have an overlay.


If you're looking for phone numbers in the area code 779, you should definitely check out the Area Code 779 Numbers website. This website is a great resource for finding numbers in this area code, and it's really easy to use.Why should you look up numbers with area code 779? There are a few reasons. First of all, this area code is located in Illinois, so if you're looking for numbers in that state, this is the website to use. Secondly, the area code 779 is growing in popularity, so it's likely that more and more businesses and individuals will be using this area code in the future.

So if you're looking for phone numbers in the area code 779, be sure to check out the Area Code 779 Numbers website. It's the best resource for finding numbers in this area code, and it's easy to use.


When it comes to phone numbers, there are a few different ways that you can lookup information. You can lookup a phone number with area code 779 using a variety of methods. One of the most popular methods is to use a reverse phone lookup directory. A reverse phone lookup directory will allow you to lookup a phone number with area code 779 and get information about the person who owns the phone number. You can also use a phone number lookup service to get information about a phone number with area code 779. A phone number lookup service will allow you to find out the name and address of the person who owns the phone number.


When it comes to finding out the owner of a phone number, most people think that you need to hire a detective or use a service that charges a fee. However, there are a few ways that you can find out the owner of a phone number for free.One way to find out the owner of a phone number is to use a website or app that allows you to search for registered phone numbers. These websites and apps will generally charge a small fee to access their full database, but some will allow you to perform a limited search for free.

Another way to find out the owner of a phone number is to use a reverse phone lookup service. These services are designed to help you find out the name and address of the person or company who owns a specific phone number. They generally charge a fee to access their full database, but some services offer a limited search for free.

If you're not interested in paying for a service, you can also try contacting the phone company that issued the phone number. They may be able to provide you with some information about the owner of the number, such as their name and address.

Ultimately, the best way to find out the owner of a phone number is to use a combination of methods. By using a combination of free and paid services, you should be able to get the information that you need.


Area code 779 is located in Illinois. If you are looking up a number with this area code, there are a few things you can get from the search.The first thing you can find out is the geographic location of the number. This area code is located in northern Illinois, specifically in the Rockford area.

You can also get the name of the company or individual that owns the number. This information is public record and can be found through a variety of online databases.

Finally, you can find out the approximate age of the number. This is done by looking up the prefix of the number. The prefix is the first three numbers of a phone number. By looking up the prefix of a number with area code 779, you can get an idea of how old the number is.



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Cities Served by 779 Are Code

  • North Dakota, ND
  • Nevada, NV
  • Virginia, VA
  • North Carolina, NC
  • Georgia, GA
  • California, CA
  • Illinois, IL
  • Iowa, IA
  • Texas, TX
  • California, CA
  • Wisconsin, WI
  • New York, NY
  • Pennsylvania, PA
  • New York, NY
  • Colorado, CO

Details of Prefixes in 779 Area Code

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